Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Anggerik Impian, HANCUR IMPIAN!


Uolls tauuu…. * suara makcik kepo*… Last weekend yang kat my friend’s wedding tu, kecoh uolls! Nak tau cerita, ah sila baca.

On Saturday, 20th October 2012, Rozi (si pengantin) WhatsApp kat groupchat kita yang dia tak jadi nikah kat bawah. Nikah kat atas jer. Nanti dah jumpa boleh cerita. Aku dah suspect macam something not right ah.

Kita bridesmaids kene fall in by 12noon abeh bila aku tiba at 12:30pm (aku Melayu dok), aku tengok tu void deck macam kosong jer. Kain yang tergantung kat ceiling pun tak banyak. Wall pun tak dililit. Aku cwi belakang, aik pelamin togel. Aku dah mushkil. Apa cerita ni? Takkan Rozi aku nyer deco ni macam jer kan? Dia nikah lagik 1.5 hours jer sey. Aku tau Rozi nyer taste better than that sey. Then aku nampak Nurul (1 of the bridesmaids) kat bawah. Aku tanyer lah, “Nurul, apa hal?” abeh Nurul cakap “Décor MIA lah sey!”

Apakah?! Jeng jeng jeng! (“apakah” tu macam “what” dalam bahasa Malaysia. Cousin aku yang blaja kat UIA, KL, yang ajar aku)

Bila dah sampai atas, alahai kesian Rozi mata merah padam. By the time aku sampai, dia dah stop nangis ah tapi alahai serious aku cannot imagine if I’m in her position. Aku rasa aku nangis macam aku tak cukup tepung bila nak bake benda.

Si Shidek ni (owner of Anggerik Impian hakpuik!) MIA lah sey. Call call call tak angkat. Message 44 kali pun tak reply. Dah gertak pun, tak gentar weyh! Dia pergi hantar 3 budak around 13 years old, to set up the void deck. Abeh ni 3 hamlau tak tau pa per eh?! Bingit per! Tanya anything, kept saying “tak tau”. Aku suspect tu Shidek dah suruh dorang cakap “tak tau” jer ah macam cerita Madu Tiga, si Ramlee suruh kawan dia cakap “kesian” jer. Fed up per!

Beh atlast kawan-kawan aku yang tolong set up the pelamin & skirting semua. Ya Allah pelamin dia seriously berkeladak (see photo). Kawan aku sampai kene beli, aper tu, Febreeze ke aper ah to sental the pelamin tapi tetap taklei hilang! Kalau aku tau, aku amik gambar, zoom in sey! Kerusi kat pelamin, Ya Allah kotor! Ada big patch of uglinest there. AND tu bukan kerusi yang kawan aku nak eh! Cekik darah sak!

Abeh si Shidek ni boleh call cakap nak kasi sireh darah. Konon pukul 1pm dia will sampai ah. Tiba masa, pukul 3pm baru sampai TAPI bukan dia yang turun, dia hantar dia punya kuncu. Kau fikir kita heran sangat dengan sireh dara kau tu? Hok aloh, sireh dara kakak sdare aku buat lagi lawa lah dok. Tu décor patut kau settle kan dulu! Abeh asal taknak turun sendiri? Nampak sah PENGECUT. Ni ah lelaki yang tak berani. Kental.

Asik mentak Rozi do the payment every month abeh sendiri nyer service pecah. Hello, Rozi did bayar every month ok. Even without him reminding, of course Rozi will bayar. Kawan aku ada duit punya orang lah weyh. And her balance were only $290 which dia thought of paying after the wedding. Memang balance sikit selalu paid after wedding per! Mangkok ah lu Shidek!

Atlast nikah jugak ah kat bawah walaupun pelamin dia macam _________ (fill in the blank eh).

Nasib baik Nurul ada contacts dengan kawan dia, Fendy (owner of awesome Estheme), yang takde décor that week & boleh buat maha last minute eh! Alhamdullillah. KUDOS ESTHEME!

Fendy & staffs all turned up that night around 8pm. Dorang ano semua from scratch & they ended quite late ah around 4am like that? Walaupun dorang cannot get fresh flowers, I tell you, their flowers are so clean, they look like fresh ones! Dorang sempat gosok those chair covers ok!!! And every single details displayed under that void deck are gorgeous. All of us are really really pleased by Estheme.

Aku got teary eh typing this. What the hell hahaha!

Sampai sekarang, Shidek is not contactable. Nak settle secara baik, taknak kan. Abeh tak tau, lu tunggu surat saman datang eh. Jangan main-main, kita semua fierce tau. *tunjuk angkong ikan coil* Kawan aku dah report police then nak gi sub-court. Watch out Shidek.


SUPPORT ESTHEME!!! Pakkal aku dah kawin. Kalau tak, aku engage Estheme for my décor. Jangan marah Decorama, I still love you. Heh!


P/S Please spread the word around. Nak share blogpost ni pun boleh.


  1. Babe! My friend's wedding kena THE EXACT SAME THING!!! Your post macam I sendiri tulis... Ive been telling people NOT to use his services!!! Bloody cheat!!!

    1. Then ur friend ada backup tak? Cekik darah ah ni Shidek! Nama nak step cute jer!

    2. Dear friends, I have shidek's full residential address. For keen parties, please email me at exposeshidek@gmail.com stating your interest. Thank you.

  2. Shahnaz.. Ina's wedding?

    Anyway, my wedding too. On 10.12.11 he took up 6 weddings. Many of us in 2011 were victimised by AI. And I think all of us until now (close to one year already) masih belum dapat our money back even though the refund form was filled out and returned to them just within a month from the event. And we're all blocked from their FB page. Thank you for your post. Next stop... Berita Harian perhaps?

    1. Abeh mcm mana urs? U go on jer? :((( I pity pengantin yg kene mcm gini lah. All pengantin dont deserve this kinda treatment tauuu!!!

  3. Oh my.. It happen to my wedding.. But I tak pakai AI.. Mine is under Nizera Wedding.. Everytime kalau mintak duit sentiasa ribu2.. Tak pernah ratus.. Just imagine, I have to pay almost $1k or more just for sambal udang.. And bila majlis, udang dorang serve sekali and that's it.. By the time petang, my tetamu tak dapat makan.. Pasal lauk banyak habis.. And lagi satu, my wedding deco, dorang make it cincai bocai je.. Lain yang I request lain yg dorang buat.. Yang bijak laksana, pagi2 (majlis day) dah mintak my in-law duit balance payment.. My in-law tak tau cerita wat happen kat my side, so she give.. Punya lah mengamuk.. Bila mintak refund, si musibot tu ckp ngan my hubby "korang dah menyekik dah kenyang, nak mintak duit balik" They even called us names.. MENYIRAP YANG TK TERHINGGA..

    1. Nizera Wedding yang owner stay at b.batok or b.gombak izit?

    2. OMG THAT IS SO RUDE!! Geram per dgr mcm ni. Buat kerja sembarang abeh kurang ajar. Abeh mentak ur inlaws apakejadah?? So what was ur next step?

    3. LeighLiana - Yes it is..

      Annisa Zahra - it is lor.. They mintak my inlaws cos they know that I dah pass all my money to them.. Cos payment settle is from guy side.. N my husband also using their service.. My next step? I make a complain bout it but it seems tak load.. Takpe, kat dunia dia bleh lari, kat akhirat boleh tuntut..

  4. Dear friends, I have shidek's full residential address. For keen parties, please email me at exposeshidek@gmail.com stating your interest. Thank you.

  5. What's the update on Shidek? Have anyone manage to get him and get your money back? Have you tried going to Small Claims Tribunal Court? Should we all do this together? Let's stop complaining and start acting. Everyone here agrees that Shidek is a scam artist but it seems that he gets away with it every single time. Why don't we all work together to get what we deserve - justice and our money back.

  6. YES. I think we should all come together & do something about this bastard. (sorry for such harsh words) I jus saw this notes about him. My sister engaged him for her wedding deco, nikkah at 4.30pm & till 5.30 he didnt show-up till I hv to get another company to do a quick one for me.
    I have done a police report & my entire family is really mad at him, give us a chance we gonna wack him! We need our $ back! I have his ic no & full name. 2 more days for him if not we are gonna file a CASE.

  7. omg..i noe im like so lambat to comment but i happened to.stumble on this blog when i decided to see whats up or is it down with shidek anggerik..mine i tink hampir2 kene tipu..time plannung he was veey jice n accomodating..i even tell him i nk more hydrangea n he asked.for.more money..den time wedding day kan..i orasan bunga tk sebanyak.yg i nak..n i saod no gerberras..n he brougjt gerberras n i saw..den he quickly.say oh those in the pails r for another wedding...my arch botak tkde flowers..no kepala bunga meja kat buffet table..n i keep calling him even when i da kat pelamin..tk angkat2..n i haf balance $500 he tk claim2 i tink takot nk jumpa..i was following his fb closely n saw his works mcm ok..n i do get mixed reviews but tkde.terok2..i.noticed after my wedding on nov 2011..i heard.more horror stories.abt him! all i can say is ya he almost pulled a fast one on me seh...but i still feel cheated..n my hubs even amik deconhanyaran dgn dia..nasib dia tk buat hal..but he collect the bakul balik punyelah lambaaaat.
